• Services

    We offer the most comprehensive home inspection service available. All our reports are performed in accordance with the HIABC Scope Of Inspection. Link below -


    We start at the roof and evaluate not only the roof surface, but also the chimney, the ventilation system, the electrical service entrance, the plumbing stack, and any other systems or components located on the roof.

    Our next step is to inspect the exterior of the home. We like to use a macro and then a micro approach to look closer in detail.

    We then move inside the house, and starting at the bottom, work our way up through the home into the attic. While inside, we address such things as the structure, the heating and cooling systems, the electrical and plumbing systems, the attic insulation and ventilation.

    The Report, Our evaluation of the home is then communicated through a detailed inspection report, which includes descriptions of all the systems in the home, as well as any recommended improvements that may be required or considered. The report will also contain digital images and illustrations. This will help you prioritize the improvements and develope a blueprint for your future in the home.

    • Pre-purchase Inspection - Why?. This Inspection will point out the significant potential costly deficiencies found in the home and can be used to reduce the price of a home or make the seller fix the problems before selling the house to you, the buyer. Maintenance recommendations and safety issues found will also be reported.   
    • Pre-listing Inspection - This Inspection is done before you consider listing your home for sale. Any deficiencies, maintenance or safety issues found can be corrected before listing your home for sale and any potential viewings. This may bring in stronger purchase offers and make the sale proceed quicker. 
    • Peace of mind home out of town home owner, landlord Inspection - This Inspection would be a written report complete with photos and also based on the regular HIABC Scope Of Inspection. Safety and maintenance recommendations will also be reported. This may be a one off Inspection or an Inspectioin done on an annual basis.
  • Contact Us

    Call us today at 2508016825 Or book your inspection online:

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